With spending on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare anticipated to skyrocket in the next two years, healthcare professionals need to prepare themselves now for the medicolegal issues that are coming. This lecture will focus on how AI is being used in medicine and its anticipated negative consequences, including new medical professional liability risks and discovery issues. The program is designed to educate, inform and enlighten those in healthcare risk management, claims management, and information technology about the next revolution in healthcare: the use of AI in medical decision-making.
About the Speaker:
Matthew Keris Matthew has defended healthcare providers for more than two decades and is a shareholder in Marshall Dennehey’s Health Care Department. He is the Chair of the Electronic Medical Record and Audit Trail Practice Group. Matt has provided legal commentary for a number of organizations on EMRs, audit trails, and AI in healthcare including NBC News, the American Society for Healthcare Risk Management, The Legal Intelligencer, Law 360, and Risk Review. He is the author of the book, EMR and Litigation for Thomson Reuters and has written peer-reviewed articles for ASHRM’s Journal of Healthcare Risk Management on litigation issues surrounding the audit trail and AI in healthcare. Matt also serves as an editor of the health risk management journal, Patient Safety. Matt is active in DRI, American Legal Connections, the Pennsylvania Defense Institute and ASHRM.