Who can be a SCAHRM Member?
A member is a professional who is actively involved in the field of healthcare risk management, whose job responsibilities include healthcare risk management, or who has an interest in healthcare risk management and pays dues in an amount determined by the Board of Directors.
What is the benefit of being a SCAHRM member?
Check out our Membership Benefits here.
What types of educational programs do you provide?
Overall we consistently strive to deliver timely information on the topics below. Please reach out to our current Education Committee Chair with any ideas or suggestions you may have.
How do you deliver education to members and guests?
We have monthly educational sessions both via webinar and in-person events, typically on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. We also host an Annual Educational Conference the first Wednesday-Friday of each May in Rancho Mirage. Upcoming SCAHRM programs, as well as those from our partner and parent chapters are listed on the Events page of this website. We also provide education through our newsletter The SOURCE.
How can I post a job?
Current job postings can be submitted for posting here. Posting is free to organizations with a current SCAHRM member, and $50 to all others.
Who should I contact if I would like to do an educational presentation for SCAHRM?
Our current Vice President/President Elect serves as the Education Committee Chair, and session proposal forms can be submitted to him or her.
Does SCAHRM pay for speakers?
SCAHRM does not pay for speakers. Presenters at our Annual Educational Conference receive complimentary conference registration and one night at the host hotel.
How do I get a certificate of attendance for an educational session I have attended?
Certificates of attendance are emailed out following completion of the session’s feedback survey. If you do not receive the link to complete the survey, or you complete the survey and do not receive an email with your certificate(s), please check your spam/junk folder first, then email [email protected].
Where can I review the current Bylaws?
See the Bylaws section under About Us on the SCAHRM header navigation.
If I have questions about the Bylaws, who do I contact?
Contact the current Bylaws Chairperson and/or email [email protected].