– Sharpening Focus and Decision-Making
– Cultivating a Mindful and Productive Work Environment
– Fostering Well-Being and Preventing Burnout
Once considered unconventional, mindfulness is now recognized as a powerful tool for improving mental and physical well-being and performance. This evidence-based approach, utilized in various professional settings, can be viewed as a core competency for lawyers, positively influencing a wide range of skills and mindsets essential for success in the legal field.
The demanding nature of the legal profession, with its high-stress environment and heavy workload, makes the importance of mental health and well-being paramount. Developing and encouraging a practice that embraces mindfulness provides a proactive response to the challenges lawyers face – long hours, constant pressure, and information overload. Mindfulness equips legal professionals with invaluable skills for managing stress, maintaining focus, and thriving amidst uncertainty.
Dr. Geoff Soloway is an expert in mindful wellbeing, with 15 years of experience in developing, implementing, and researching mindfulness-based solutions for the workplace. He is the Founder and CEO of MindWell U, an organization that provides evidence-informed workplace training programs. Dr. Soloway has held teaching positions at the University of Toronto, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Fraser Valley. Dr. Soloway holds a PhD and a Master’s of Education in from the University of Toronto, is a certified Organizational Coach, Yoga Teacher and Meditation Instructor.
SCAHRM is approved by the California State Bar as an MCLE Multiple Activity Provider (MAP #18946) and a Continuing Education Provider by the California Board of Nursing (CEP #10552).
This activity qualifies for 1.0 MCLE credit hours toward competence and 1.0 BRN continuing education contact hours. This meeting has been approved for a total of 1.0 contact hours of Continuing Education Credit toward fulfillment of the requirements of ASHRM designations of FASHRM (Fellow) and DFASHRM (Distinguished Fellow) and towards CPHRM renewal. Application for continuing education toward CPHRM, FASHRM, and DFAHSM is pending.